Explore Water Perspectives through art and culture


Explore Water Perspectives through art and culture

While the presence of water itself has been a constant across human history (and human futures), the uses, joys, challenges, solutions and values which arise from water have indeed ebbed and flowed across the centuries.

The ‘Walk of Water: An Intergenerational Journey’ highlights different perspectives of water across generations. It features five different exhibitions which have been combined into an overall installation, each focusing on a specific aspect of time: past, present, and future.

In a snapshot, the Walk of Water is an open window which allows the viewer to investigate the intersections of water, culture, science, and time. It is a new modality to examine how humanity’s relationship with water in the past, assess the challenges and solutions of the present, and bring about a brighter future.

The first exhibition launched at the UN Water Conference in New York in March 2023.